Walt Disney World
Disney World is extremely friendly to plus size guests and to guests with a range of mobility and accessibility concerns.
In this section, you will find articles on how to navigate the parks with a range of concerns. Each link below opens in a new window.
The Plus Size Disney World page covers the 4 Disney Parks and the 2 waterparks. These articles are written to complement the information in Pammie's YouTube videos, not duplicate it.
The Accessible Parks page contains articles about how to navigate the parks with a range of cognitive, sensory, mobility, accessibility and other special needs.
The Resorts and Restaurants page looks at these aspects of a Disney vacation from a plus size and accessible perspective. Do the chairs have arms? Is there enough space between tables to comfortably walk between them, and can larger bodies fit into the booths? Are they loud and overwhelming for people with sensory issues? Will you walk further in Port Orleans Riverside than in Magic Kingdom?